
Lillian Gran – Future learning

Endless education- the day you stop learning, log off.

Student publikasjoner


I løpet av tiden som lærerutdannere har jeg møtte mange studenter og leste mange oppgaver. Noen oppgaver sitter ekstra godt og har gjort inntrykk. Noen av disse vil deles her.

Gjervan.T.A.G.(2017) (2019). Oh snap! En studie om Snapchats potensiale for læringsfremming i skolen ( Ikke publisert i Brage fordi den er levert etter at biblioteket kun publiserer master oppgaver). 


Teknologien utvikler seg raskt, og lite vet vi om hva fremtiden vil bringe. Derfor blir det å ha fokus på å danne selvregulerte elever som kan gå inn i fremtiden med evner til problemløsning, enda viktigere. Fordi Snapchat i dag er et populært medie blant barn og unge, ønsket jeg å undersøke om denne applikasjonen kunne brukes på en læringsrettet måte. I min metode har jeg brukt metodetriangulering ved bruk av intervju, survey og aksjonsforskning, hvor jeg har gjennomført et prosjekt ved bruk av Snapchat. Etterpå har jeg forsøkt å undersøke hvordan bruken av denne mobilapplikasjonen har påvirket elevenes selvregulering. Det kan virke som det å utforske nye sosiale medier som elevene bruker aktivt, kan bidra til å øke deres selvregulering, da de får observere bruken av applikasjonen i skolesammenheng. Videre ser en at vikarierende erfaringer gjennom mitt prosjekt kan virke positivt inn på lærerens motivasjon for å bruke applikasjonen ved senere anledning selv.


Sagen. (2017). Den moderne anerkjennelsen.


Ungdom bruker internett mer og mer, en sosial multiplikasjon i form av relasjoner. Sosiale medier har tatt over, i det minste kombinert seg selv med unges sosiale hverdag. De bruker stadig mer tid på nett og legger stadig mer vekt på hvem de er online kontra offline. Hva gjør egentlig dette med barns utvikling, og hva er så utrolig viktig med å være «tilstede» hele tiden? Sosial status og aksept. Hoennth taler om selvrealisering og selverdsettelse, men hvor er selverdsettelsen i verden hvor retusjering er et alternativ? Anerkjennelsen til Honneth fornyes og settes i et perspektiv som kan lettere relateres til den moderne ungdommen, ungdommen som heller fjerner sine mindre ønskede kvaliteter forså å bygge oppunder sitt eget glansbilde. Denne oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i dannelsesteorier fra Honneth, Dobson&Steinsholt samt digitale forskere som Primack, Shensha&Sidani for å se om det finnes en «ny» form for anerkjennelse i det samfunnet elevene opplever i dag.


Juven, H. (2019), Læreres digitale kompetanse i en digital skolehverdag  

Funn i denne undersøkelsen viser at det er store forskjeller mellom lærernes tanker om egen digital kompetanse. For noen er egen digital kompetanse god, mens den for andre er den veldig dårlig. Manglende digital kompetanse kan være med på å gjøre lærernes hverdag ekstra krevende. Andre hovedfunn er at digitale verktøy ikke blir brukt like mye som det burde, selv om den digitale teknologien er på plass. I tillegg er det store variasjoner mellom hvor mye lærere bruker digitale verktøy, noen vil bruke det hele tiden og andre bruker det overhodet ikke. Funn viser også at det er en del utfordringer når det kommer til teknologibruk i skolen. Det kan blant annet bidra til nettmobbing, og det er mange fristelser for elevene på skjermen som kan gjøre at de blir distrahert. For eksempel ved at de går inn på andre nettsider eller apper enn hva de har fått beskjed om når digitale verktøy brukes i undervisningen. 


Laissez faire

Laissez faire, laissez-passer, egentlig laissez-nous faire, laissez-nous passer, la folk få produsere hva de vil, og la varene få passere. Adam Smith forklarte begrepet i å knytte det til troen på at styringsmyndighetene skulle holde hendene vekk fra økonomien. Laissez- feire er et fransk uttrykk og betyr la det være eller la det skure. Uttrykket hadde sin opprinnelse i 1600- tallet hvor økonomien i Frankrike var kraftig regulert. Begrepet er et populært internasjonalt slagord for et fritt marked, motstand mot merkantilisme og begrenset statsmakt.




Eu Kids online 

93% of 9-16 year-old Internet users in Europe have neither bullied nor been bullied online. Offline bullying is more prevalent than online bullying.

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Parents are not likely to know their child is being bullied.


Flipped classroom

This article will present ideas, research and critics of the «Flipped » classroom.






Growing up in the 21st century brings about new challenges, new opportunities and non the less new roles among your school mates. Movies from american high school cultures show the difficulties in fitting in for young people today. The term DUFF, designated ugly fat friend is introduced in the movie The Duff. The idea is that good looking girls especially (boys can also be the duff)  always have a friend that is ugly, fat and not so popular making the other two looking better. The gangs are hard to get into and there are different stereotypes that exists in all the schools. Especially the duff,the jock, the brain and the princesses. 

The key words of the Duff, ugly and fat are referring to the appearance and the person. The person might be overweight and not good looking, or just not so pretty ase the two friends she is spending most time with.  The comedy movie is bases on the novel The Duff by Kody Keplinger.

Jocks is a stereotype of an athlete that is generally attributed to high school and college athletics participants who form a distinct youth subculture. In sociology, the jock is thought to be included within the socialite subculture which also contains the preps and Ivy leaguers. Jocks are caught up in physical appearances and go to extremes that might even include steroids, hazing of a weaker person or playing while injured.

«If you don’t know who it is, it’s probably you,» the tag line threatens. But here’s how to know for sure, in under two minutes, if you’re the DUFF.



Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first – person point of view. It is a discipline distinct from other key disciplines in philosophy, such as ontology, epistemology, logic and ethics. Some main contributors are Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and others.

It regards the learning of the phenomena in life and has meant a lot for the philosophy.


Digital dementia

Brain researcher Manfred Spitzer claims that the use of digital media must be limited or else the future is not looking so bright in terms of a larger part of the population is becoming digital dement. Spitzer claims in his book Digital dement that the use of digital media as television, computers and cellphones inhibit the children’s brain development and will lead to more cases of dementia in the future.

His argumentation is that we are not stimulating learning within the child by giving them ipads, we are doing the opposite. The first years of a childs life the senses are developed together with the visual centre of the brain, something all later learning is based on. Its not right to give children i pads and let them learn through there according to Spitzer, they only use one movement and make themselves dependent on net searches instead of saving information, something he claims will have serious consequences.


The digital direction

According to Haugsbakk, Nordkvelle and Fritze the so called Digital natives is a concept used on children born after 1990 in the argumentation of using computer technology as much as possible in all subjects and contexts in the education. The argumentation of the chronicle is that research show that new technology might even weaken the quality of the learning. Something they argue is taken with peace and quiet by the «Natives» as should the school according to Haugsbakk, Nordkvelle and Fritze ( 2014). The conclusion of the chronicle is to look at the problem of promising a more qualitative, effective and forwarding learning with ICT than without it. Something they want to develop by giving guidelines in the use of ICT and in the way technology is being a part of the school learning. With a larger focus on which methodology that is really giving the better results in cooperation with the parents, rather than to use it by any means.

As an answer to the chronicle by Haugsbakk, Nordkvelle and Fritze, Trond Ingebretsen, the director of the national ICT centre in Norway writes the chronicle Competence for the future , also figured in GD. Ingebretsen claims that Digital Natives is a problematic therm and is not giving any solution in discussing it, although he is inviting the chronicle authors to contribute in gathering knowledge on how ICT and learning is bonded. Further he also claims that in the ever growing digital world we need to help our children navigate in the Digital possibilities and digital surroundings. Ingebretsen underlines the schools responsibility in teaching the youth about rights and personal protection in relation to publishing photos for example. In terms of strengthening learning and teaching he questions why the college of Lillehammer wants to reduce the schools possibilities to use ICT for better learning, referencing to the chronicle.
In extension of this exchange of opinion my understanding is that Digital Bildung, «digital dannelse», is the answer to the gap between these two directions of ICT development for the future learning. Not only do we need to develop students that by themselves engage in the lectures at the college without preoccupying themselves with Facebook, snapchat, dating apps, whatsapp, Linkedin or whatever catches their attention. We also need to help the students in their understanding of why they are learning, why they are educating themselves and what are their goals. In this there is a need to develop long term committed students with the drive of participating in learning processes in order to develop themselves, the classroom and even the teacher. There is a definite need to really recognize the students as the one with the leading role in their own learning journey. And finally maybe the ICT development and challenges can inspire the teachers and the lecturers at the college and universities to develop their own way of teaching and learning towards a collaborative space where both the teachers and the students are taking part and expected to take part and be responsible. Maybe ask your students why they are on Facebook instead of listening to your lecture? Maybe show them the article of the non- existing «multitasking» competence- challenge them in the discussion of how their own learning will be best. Do they think they learn when they are focusing on other media instead of the subject? Are they not motivated for their own learning ? Maybe its time to light their inner motivation to become the best they can be in a life long perspective. Show them what a equivalent Chinese student would think of education for example, where is the scandinavian learning morality going ?


Det er den draumen

Det er den draumen me ber på

at noko vedunderleg skal skje,
at det må skje –
at tidi skal opna seg
at hjarta skal opna seg
at dører skal opna seg
at berget skal opna seg
at kjeldor skal springa –
at draumen skal opna seg,
at me ei morgonstund skal glida inn
på ein våg me ikkje har visst um


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